Маджули, най-големият речен обитаем остров в света, се намира на р. Брамапутра, Асам, Индия. Съдбата на острова и неговите жители винаги е зависела от капризите на природата. Въпреки някои промени през последните десетилетия природните дарове и стихии продължават да са определящ фактор за бита на хората тук.
Утринна разходка в едно от многобройните села в Маджули. Слънчевите лъчи проникват през мъглата и разкриват очарованието в делничния ден на местните хора – техните наколни бамбукови къщи, примитивно земеделие (вършитба с крака), грижа за децата и добитъка.
Mаjuli, the largest inhabited riverine island in the world, is located on the Brahmaputra River, Assam, India. The fate of the island and its inhabitants has always depended on the vagaries of nature. Despite some changes in recent decades, nature‘s gifts and the elements continue to be a determining factor in people's lives.
Morning walk in one of the many villages on the island. The sun's rays penetrate the fog and reveal the charm of the simple everyday life - the pile bamboo houses, primitive agriculture (threshing with feet), care for children and livestock.
River, Assam, India. The fate of the island and its inhabitants has always depended on the vagaries of nature. Despite modern changes in recent decades, natural gifts and elements continue to be a determining factor in people's lives. Morning walk in one of the many villages on the island. The sun's rays penetrate the fog and moisture and reveal the charm of the local people on weekdays - their piled bamboo houses, primitive agriculture (threshing with feet), care for children and livestock.
Majuli is also famous with it's Satras or monasteries. Visiting а monastery in Majuli I was deeply impressed by the people and the atmosphere there.
Sunset in Majuli